Today was an interesting day in the Bedard household. Baby girl lied, not once, but twice today. This is highly unusual for her. She's almost got a truth disease. They weren't big lies mind you, but they were lies none-the-less.
I, of course being the GREAT mom that I am, lectured her for about 30 minutes on the importance of not telling lies. All the while, in the back of my mind, a voice was saying, "but you lie to her about Santa." So when is lying okay? Is it okay to lie to your child that a fat little old man comes down your chimney and leaves presents? or that a fairy comes at night and grabs your lost tooth? We have a desk fairy that leaves a little dum-dum sucker if her desk is clean. She gets so excited when the desk fairy leaves her a treat. She gleems, "Oh I knew fairies were real." When I heard that, I thought, "I've made a huge mistake."
I don't have the heart to tell her the truth. Will it really devastate her when she learns the truth? Will she hate me for embellishing these fairy tale characters?
But then I think, I'm giving her creativity. I'm letting her be a child and live in a little bit of fantasy before her world turns to shit and she has to be an adult with bills and responsibilities.
Any way, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!